Withrow Elementary School

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Class Schedule

AM Kindergarten Schedule


7:30               Kindergarten gate opens (gate

                                 gets locked at 7:40; students entering after

                                 7:40 must enter through office)

7:40  -  8:00  Opening/P.E./Centers

8:00  –  9:40  Language Arts/Math

9:45  – 10:10  Recess

10:10 – 10:40 EL/EO Rotations

10:45 – 11:10  Lunch ($2.50) Milk - $.50

11:10 –  11:15  Clean Up/Pack Up

11:20              Dismissal (front gate – students must be

                                 picked up by a parent/guardian. If another

                       person is picking up your child, they must

                       be on the child’s emergency card. If a

                                 person is not on the emergency card, they will

                                 be directed to the school office.